“Any businessman can become a figurant of a criminal case” — comment of Inna Vavilova for “Kommersant”
Tighter responsibility of managers and business owners is becoming a modern trend. Entrepreneurs are frightened by the fact that today the attraction to companies' tax liability has flowed smoothly into business pressure from the investigative authorities, and the decision to bankrupt the market participants is immediately accompanied by an increased interest of law enforcement officers.
As a businessman to protect the interests of his company and to protect himself personally in the given conditions, participants in the round table discussion "Modern Adventures of the White-Collar Workers in Russia." Taxes, Bankruptcy and Extradition: What's In Common?". The event was organized by the Kommersant Publishing House in St. Petersburg.
The managing partner of "Prime Advice" Inna Vavilova told about the criminal and legal protection of business in bankruptcies. She noted that most often law enforcement bodies initiate criminal cases under art. 196 of the Criminal Code (intentional bankruptcy) and art. 199 (evasion from payment of taxes). Applicants, as a rule, are banks, the Federal Tax Service and the Deposit Insurance Agency, which call the withdrawal of assets the main reason for initiating a criminal case in bankruptcy.