Bank “recession” — Inna Vavilova comments to Delovoy Peterburg
"Bank of Investments" of a billionaire Sergey Bodrunov demanded 270 million rubles from the Bank "Tavrichesky"
The Court of Petersburg and Leningrad region last week received two lawsuits of the Saint-Petersburg Bank of investments (SPBI) to the Bank "Tavrichesky" to recover 121 million and 151 million rubles. As reported in SPBI, we are talking about the old loans, which Tavrichesky has refused to pay and even won the court.
According to lawyers, SPBI has a chance of success. "When the documents were transferred through assignment, the assignor guaranteed that the assurane of this right of claim is valid, — says Managing Partner of Prime Advice Inna Vavilova. And if later it turns out that the guarantee is worthless, it is at least a reason to sue. And then the court will judge if both parties made a due diligence in the contract".