“Legal services in the field of bankruptcy” — Inna Vavilova comments to Legal Insight
According to Inna Vavilova, managing partner of Prime Advice, the insolvence market is divided by the leading legal companies. This year the trend for opening a bankruptcy practice is no longer observed. Inna Vavilova explains that the law firm which plans to create such practice has already missed a chance: "It's hard to immediately "jump into the train", bankruptcy is a complex process, which covers a range of issues from appraisal to criminal law, and, if you want to occupy this position, be prepared to provide a full range of services which requires experience and resources. In addition, there is a “depletion” of potential clients. Although the number of bankruptcies increases, those who are willing and able to pay for qualified legal services in this area are less", - says Inna Vavilova.