“New (?) techniques for setting off: what is interesting about paragraph 21 of the Plenary Resolution of the Russian Federation Supreme Court No. 6?” — Tatiana Tereshchenko for Zakon.ru
In paragraph 21 of the Plenary Resolution of the Russian Federation Supreme Court No. 6 of June 11, 2020 "On some questions of application of the provisions of the Russian Federation Civil Code on the termination of the commitments" (PR SC No. 6) reads as follows: "Within the meaning of paragraph 3 of Civil Code article 407 the parties may agree on the termination of their counterclaims different from that provided by Civil Code article 410, for example, by setting their automatic termination that does not require either party, or providing, the commission of competition through unilateral expression of will is impossible and commitments may be terminated in the presence of expression of all parties to the contract, that is agreement between them (Civil Code article 411)".
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