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“Open not classify” — Tatyana Tereshchenko for the Legal Information Agency

According to the law, everyone has the right to request any non-classified information from the state authorities. In practice, the implementation of such a right is fraught with numerous difficulties. It is not always possible for citizens and private companies to get acquainted even with their own "dossier".

The right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any legal way is guaranteed by the Russian Constitution. All organizational and technical issues related to the provision of materials by officials are regulated by a special federal act that has been in force for more than ten years.

Tatyana Tereshchenko, head of analytical Department at Prime Advice Law Firm:

The right to information, as well as any subjective one, has limits – state bodies are simply not required to submit everything to the request. They can only be required to provide information about their activities within the limits of their respective powers.

Upon request, a citizen or organization has the right to receive information that directly affects their interests. However, the law on personal data must not be violated. In particular, information about the substance of a complaint may be disclosed without providing information identifying or relating to other persons, including the Complainant himself.

Due to such restrictions, supervisory and other authorities may not always grant the audited company access to the collected materials, including citizens' requests.

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