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“Holidays of strict regime” — comment by Tatiana Tereshchenko for Novy Prospekt

In the coming year, the supervisory authorities were banned from conducting most business inspections. These holidays are unlikely to protect companies from the raids of auditors, but they have already restricted the rights of consumers and workers.

The moratorium, introduced after the start of the military operation and extended for 2023, applies to all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, and also restricts unscheduled raids for the first time. However, the announced anti-crisis measures do not apply to the police, the prosecutor's office, tax and many other regulatory authorities.

Outside the law — out of competition

In addition, the federal law regulating supervisory activities allows for numerous exceptions. The rules established by him and, accordingly, the moratorium do not apply at all to operational investigative activities, crime investigation, prosecutor's checks, tax, currency and customs, banking and fiscal, migration, antimonopoly, forestry and port supervision, control in the field of advertising, arms trafficking, private security activities and much more. There are more than fifty items in the general list of exceptions.

Also, dozens of bodies have the right to conduct administrative investigations almost without any restrictions. It is enough to find a reason for their appointment: any suspicion that the company or its officials have committed any offense.

Experts ambiguously assess the effectiveness of the measures introduced. The head of the analytical direction Prime Advice Tatiana Tereshchenko doubts that the "workarounds" will be popular with the supervisory authorities.

At the same time, experience shows that expectations from various indulgences are always overstated. In the current economic conditions and in the absence of a moratorium on tax audits, any administrative bonuses are a drop in the bucket,

— Tatiana Tereshchenko is convinced.

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