“Is it not typical for love to count money?” — Tatyana Tereshchenko’s column for Vecherny St. Petersburg
Column by Tatiana Tereshchenko, head of the analytical department of Prime Advice, for the column "Pravda" of the newspaper "Vecherny St. Petersburg". The category includes not only practical journalistic texts, but also a lively and relevant voice of the professional community.
It is considered that it is somehow "indecent" to talk about a prenuptial agreement before marriage. Love does not tend to count money and make an inventory of what it has acquired. An offer to sign an agreement on the division of property during marriage may also be viewed with suspicion.
However, practice stubbornly proves the opposite. It is easier to come to an agreement in a good mood and without mutual claims than when all the bridges have burned down and you want justice, which everyone has their own.
The court proceeds from the fact that if there is no agreement between the former spouses on property issues, everything acquired during the marriage is considered common and divided in half, even if one of the spouses did not work. For example, such property includes the income of each of the spouses from entrepreneurial activities. And it doesn't matter in whose name they are registered. Another question is how to identify them, count them, and whether there are exceptions.