“It will be different: what laws were adopted in St. Petersburg in 2023” — Tatyana Tereshchenko for Vecherny St. Petersburg
Vecherny St. Petersburg analyzed more than a hundred bills adopted by the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly this year and found out which city regulations changed more often than others
Business from the city
The government pays a lot of attention to business support. Some of the state programs that were adopted before the imposition of sanctions against Russia continue to operate. But in addition to them, additional measures are being introduced to develop business in crisis conditions. At the federal level, there are moratoriums on business inspections, subsidies and preferential loans. And yet, sometimes it is necessary to expand the opportunities of entrepreneurs at the regional level, based on the specifics of the subject.
A good example of such a decision is the introduction of amendments to the law "On the procedure for providing real estate owned by St. Petersburg for construction, reconstruction and adaptation for modern use." There are many buildings in need of reconstruction in the city, and so the city hopes to attract investors who will put the buildings in order and create socially significant facilities.
However, the head of the analytical department of Prime Advice, Tatyana Tereshchenko, cannot assess the amendment unambiguously "due to the scale of the tasks":
For example, for educational purposes, a building can be obtained if you organize a kindergarten for 160 places in it, that is, it is a full-fledged kindergarten for 8 groups of 20 children. For the organization of private schools, it is proposed to provide buildings for secondary general education only for at least 550 places. For comparison, there are full–fledged schools with 550 places in the city (55 students in parallel from 1st to 11th grade). At the same time, the amendment does not include primary schools, which are currently in high demand. Significant investments are required for the implementation of such projects, which means that the support measure is de facto focused on a large investor,
— the lawyer thinks.