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“Manage, but check: the Law Enforcement Agencies have proposed an unexpected way to deal with incompetent criminal codes” — Tatyana Tereshchenko’s comment for Vecherny St. Petersburg

Deputies propose to tighten the requirements for licensing companies that manage apartment buildings

The illegal practice of incompetent management companies coming to power in an apartment building through fake minutes of residents' meetings has filled the teeth of residents of high-rise buildings across the country. The deputies of the Legislative Assembly proposed to approach the problem from an unexpected angle.

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Falsification of the minutes of the residents' meeting is indeed a common practice. According to lawyers interviewed by VP, in recent years the number of appeals to state authorities, local governments, as well as prosecutors at all levels related to violations in the choice of residents of the method of management of the MCD has increased. Apartment owners who are dissatisfied with the quality of the Criminal Code's services have the right to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.

But, as Tatyana Tereshchenko, head of the analytical department of Prime Advice, notes, the reason for dissatisfaction on the part of apartment owners with the management of their house does not always lie only in the bad faith of the company:

Apartment owners are often quite inert and really expect a professional (CC) to make decisions that everyone would “like". But this does not happen. Professionalism does not exclude control over the activities of the Criminal Code, and this implies the active involvement of co-owners in the management of the ICM. This requires not only objective interest, but also well-established communication.

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