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“The firm from Vidnoye challenged the results of the competition for the construction of a school in St. Petersburg” — Tatiana Tereshchenko’s comment for Business Petersburg

A construction company from the Moscow region is arguing with the FAS over a St. Petersburg competition for the construction of a school for 2.7 billion rubles.

The reason for the court battles was given by a competition for the construction of a school in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg for 2.66 billion rubles, announced in October 2022.

Together with the St. Petersburg LLC "Suar–Group", the application was submitted by LLC "SMU–10 Construction Company" from Vidnoye (revenue in 2021 — 647.1 million rubles). According to the terms of the competition, it was required to provide security for the application. They could be served, among other things, by an independent guarantee. Its beneficiary, according to the tender documentation, should be the city committee for public procurement. The competition was declared invalid, only the application of "Suar–Group" was allowed to participate, which received this award.

Tatiana Tereshchenko, head of the analytical department of Prime Advice, believes that in the public procurement market in construction in the medium term, demand from the public sector and private business will simultaneously shrink due to falling economic activity, and on the other hand, the share of public procurement and procurement of quasi—public companies in the structure of the economy will grow.

Such a situation, obviously, could lead to increased competition in the public procurement market, but in practice we are likely to see even more monopolization and cutting off unnecessary competitors,

— the expert believes.

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