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“The largest fish processing plant in St. Petersburg has been declared bankrupt” — comment by Vitaly Karpenko for Delovoy Peterburg

The court declared bankruptcy and opened bankruptcy proceedings against Fish Processing Plant No.1. A similar lawsuit was filed against his co-owner, Alexander Starobinsky.

One of the key issues in the bankruptcy proceedings that have started will be how the assets will be put up for sale. For example, you can sell an enterprise as an operating business or form separate lots. After the inventory and assessment of the condition, a pool of banks – Beber, Unicredit Bank and VTB, whose claims amount to large amounts, will influence the decision to sell the assets of ROCK—1. In addition, the first two financial institutions are still collateral creditors. Therefore, in many ways they will decide how it is more profitable to implement the pledge.

From experience, I can say that selling a business as a whole is not always a good idea: there are usually fewer interested parties for the whole complex than for assets individually. However, when we talk about a large fish processing complex, the sale of a business by a complex looks more attractive

— says Vitaly Karpenko, a leading lawyer at Prime Advice.

The expert's position is also supported by the market situation. According to the estimates of the Idea agency, in 2022 the volume of the Russian canned food market amounted to 96.5 billion rubles, which is 14.6 billion more than a year earlier. At the same time, the share of fish conservation reached 20% compared to 11% in 2018. The leaders in the canned fish segment are sprat and gobies (32%) due to the low price.

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